Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?



 Mrs Dash

PE Intent Statement

At Woodlands we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum that inspires all pupils to excel and succeed in competitive sport and physically demanding activities. Our curriculum is inclusive of all children and provides them with the opportunities to develop their skills in a variety of sports. Physical and mental well-being is also a key element to our ethos at Woodlands. Aspects of the ‘Thrive’ approach and being ‘Trauma Informed’ underpins all lessons within PE, enabling our children to develop strategies that support their mental health and well-being.

We feel PE teaches our children:


  • To develop team building skills which enable our children to communicate effectively
    and develop relationships that allow them to succeed in reaching their shared goal. 


  • To develop their problem solving skills which allow the children to think creatively to
    find solutions both independently and within a team environment.


  • To develop an understanding of what good sportsmanship is, what this looks like and
    an understanding of how their actions impact on themselves and others.


  • To self-regulate their emotions by having access to a calm environment with safe
    spaces and trusted adults.


  • To have high aspirations of themselves, developing their resilience and self-belief. In
    doing so they challenge stereotypes in their daily life and the wider world.


  • To educate our children about the importance of having a healthy well balanced
    lifestyle and the impact that this can have on their later life.


  • Our children are able to apply all the skills that they have learnt throughout their PE
    curriculum by matching physical competence and intellectual learning, which enables them to
    lead healthy and enriched lives in the future.  

PE Implementation statement


At Woodlands we use ‘Get Set 4 PE’. At least 2 hours of high-quality lessons are taught each week, to ensure that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical skills, as well as achieving whole child objectives. We ensure all learning is challenging and enjoyable for every child. Each lesson plan (whether it is indoor or outdoor), has progressive activities that are designed to inspire and engage our pupils, allowing them to explore and develop skills before applying them to their topic/sport/game. The lessons have key success criteria which provide clear information to help the pupils develop their skill level.

When planning, a STEP approach is taken; the teachers ensure that they are differentiating the planning to suit each child in their class, to appropriately challenge all of the pupils. These lessons allow children to learn how to work in teams, problem solve, develop their leadership skills, self-confidence and motor skills. The curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling children to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently and with confidence.

Our school uses a cross curricular approach, making links across the curriculum where appropriate. It is the aim at woodlands that the children go on school trips linked to PE. In PE we also focus on including wellbeing activities, such as our ‘Motional’ support groups. These groups are there to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of each individual child, which we place a huge emphasis on.

To support assessment in PE, at the beginning of each unit a spider diagram is created where the children are asked what they know about the sport they will be focusing on. Once they have completed the unit, they revisit the spider diagram and add new vocabulary or information that they have learnt. This is so that the children will be able to see how their knowledge has built towards the end of the unit.

We also use pupil assessment sheets where children write the information and any new vocabulary that they have learnt about the unit. The children are also taught how to self-assess, these are used to help children to improve on their skills. It also helps children become more resilient and self-aware of what skill they need to focus and develop more over each unit.

In order to further expose children to different elements of PE, whilst they are getting changed they watch a range of video clips of the sport they are focusing on. This could also  include women’s sport and disability sports & enables us to challenge any stereotypes or questions about the inclusivity of sport. In Woodlands, we are always inspiring our children by exposing them to different aspirations that are associated with sport- one way we do this is by talking to the children about the different jobs that could be involved in sports such as, coaches and dieticians, broadcasting etc.  

In year 5 children attend swimming lessons, which helps them improve their growth mindset. They learn how to swim following the NC objectives.

In Woodlands we like to challenge children by holding a variety of competitions throughout the year which is in addition to our sports week in the summer term. The competition are in a range of sports both in school and with local schools. There are also specific competitions that SEND children can take part in as well.

To ensure children are keeping active out of the classroom children can attend clubs both before and after school- for example, archery, cycling and multi skills.

Physical activity is embedded throughout the school day in many ways- such as: ‘five a day’ and ‘BBC Supermovers’. Active travel is also encouraged- we take part in the annual Big Pedal and Walk to School Week events throughout the year. Children are encouraged to stay active at break times and can access a variety of equipment to use. Children can apply to become Play Leaders in UKS2. The play leaders develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting them with and organising games at break times. Training for this is provided by our learning mentor.